Why should a brake pads manufacturer think about grease?

Jan 15, 2021
2 min read

There are many high-quality pads on the market. The competition among manufacturers is enormous. And it is still difficult for the client to decide whom to give preference to.
We share the experience of our client, a large European manufacturer of brake pads, who added grease to their pads.

– the company took care of its customers because when changing pads, it is recommended to lubricate all parts of the caliper
– differentiate among competitors, because manufacturers usually do not put grease in fast kits.
– the grease has become a stylish addition to the set of pads because of its individuality and bright design.

The cost of one sachet has practically no effect on the final retail cost of the service kit, and a careful approach to the client will prompt you to make the right choice when looking for a kit during brake servicing.

Want to try? You can always access exclusive packing configurator on our website: https://cli.co/HWM8_OE

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