Testing of grease for road and sport bike chains

Oct 21, 2016
2 min read

There is no bikers, who don’t wanna to ride on a rear wheel at least once. Riding on rear wheel is named Wheelie and its popular not only in movie. For example, the piece from the “Yes, Man” with Jimm Carrey:

Seems awesome, but not anyone can do that by the first try. And the chain with sprockets shoul be changed regulary due to high load and quick wear.

Thats why, one of our tests is Wheelie machine. If you should try the grease – then do it in the most extreme conditions. Wheelie machine is a trainer, which can help you to learn that skill. Same time, this is an interesting attraction.
How long can you hold the bike in balanced position?

Before start of the of the test, we noticed, that not any grease can be useful. Many of them fly off the chain under high loads and blot everything around. At that moment, the record of grease lifetime on the chain was 2 days (about 300km at rear wheel). Besides, one of the other criteries of grease selection was ability to push out the road dirt, sand, dust, stones and other abrasives.

We have a good reference point, and what we need is only test grease on wheelie machine. At that moment, wheelie drove 474 km at rear wheel with VMPAUTO chain grease. That’s a best result and the new record.

By the next season, chain grease will be in stores. Don’t forget to lube your chain!

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Accidental discovery or trick?

Accidental discovery or trick?

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